When broken, you feel like you are of no value and should be discarded. You begin to wonder if there is a human landfill where you can go to live with other invaluable people. Or maybe, you feel like no one is as worthless as you. The human landfill might not even accept you.
Naomi felt that way after her husband and two sons died. She decided to go back to Judah. As she arrived, the people came out to meet her. Ruth 1:20 reads, But Naomi told the people, “Don’t call me Naomi. Call me Mara, because God All-Powerful has made my life very sad."
There are many times in our lives when we will feel 'very sad.' There are life-changing events that we all must deal with at some point. The end of a relationship, empty nest syndrome, death of a loved one, change in job or retiring. These events leave us off balance emotionally. Some people handle it better than others. Still, it is difficult to face these occurrences without feeling 'very sad.'
In the film, The Overcomer, a man was trying to explain to his daughter why he had left her 15 years ago when she was a baby. He explained what his life was like at the time and then he said, "But God loved me enough to allow me to be broken. I needed to be broken." Job said, "I was at ease, but he hath broken me asunder: he hath also taken me by my neck, and shaken me to pieces, and set me up for his mark." Job 16:12
Illustration: Basic training in the military is eight grueling weeks. It is said that they spend the first four weeks tearing recruits down and the next four building them the way they want them to be. They want soldiers who are respectful, trustworthy, loyal, and can follow orders. They want the men and women fit for their service. Why does God allow us to be broken? Sometimes God loves us enough to allow us to be broken. Then He sets about building us back the way He wants us--fit for His service.
God is able to build and make us what He needs for the Kingdom of God. He not only builds us, but he heals our broken heart in the process.
He healeth the broken in heart, and bindeth up their wounds.Psalms 147:3.
Yes, God loves us enough to allow us to be broken when He knows that there is a better life waiting for us. When we are broken, we can then cry out to Him and receive the rich blessings that He has for us. I said, "Lord, be merciful tome; Heal my soul, for I have sinned against You." Psalm 41:4.
He heals our broken hearts and binds our wounds, sometimes by reminding us of the things that are really important. He is able and willing to heal us, but we have job to do before He can. If my people who are called by my name, shall humble themselves and pray and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land. II Chronicles 7:14.
Concentrate on that verse. It is an if/then statement. The IF must happen before the THEN can happen. In this verse he requires four things from His people:
- Humble themselves
- Pray
- Seek God's face
- Turn from wicked ways
- Did you humble yourself?
- Did you seek my face?
- Did you turn from your wicked ways?