For several weeks, I had been suffering with a strained muscle in my hip. I did something to cause the strain, but don't remember what it was.
Just as I think everything is going to be alright, I caught my shoe in a piece of trim on the floor. I knew I was going to fall. Since I was in the entrance hall, there was nothing to grab for support. Every piece of furniture was too far away. I hit the floor hard. The muscle that was already strained pulled even tighter and burned. My precious dog was all over me with hugs and kisses. Then when I tried to get up, she tried to help. After several attempts, I was able to get up. I went straight to my bed and cried. More out of frustration than pain. The rest of the day was miserable. I dreaded getting up the next morning. I knew the pain would be worse the second day. Surprise!!
I got out of bed the next morning and my leg didn't hurt. I didn't have the pain running down my hip and into my thigh. I felt better. I had been in pain, fell down, got up in worse pain, and woke up in no pain.
Sometimes we fall in our spiritual life also. God lets us fall so that he can heal our broken spirit. One character in the bible that illustrates this is the Samaritan woman at the well. The fourth chapter of John tells the story.
The Fallen
Jesus sat at the well while the disciples went to buy food. A Samaritan woman came to the well alone. The reason she was alone was because she was what used to be called 'a fallen woman'. She had been married five times and was at that time living in adultery. She wasn't a person with whom the community socialized. She was ostracized by the women and well respected men didn't want to be seen talking to her. So she went to the well when no one else was there. She had truly fallen.
She had tried to 'get up' with each husband, but once a person has fallen it is very difficult to get up again. Especially when they are reminded that they have fallen. If someone is able to find any success, the world is suspicious of the accomplishment. It is as if once a person falls, the world expects them to stay down forever.
When Jesus spoke to her, she was the one who was suspicious. She was not only a fallen woman, but a Samaritan. She was considered lower than low. She asked why He was speaking to her. He told her that she should ask him for a drink. She asked how He could draw living water. He told her that everyone who drank from that well would thirst again. Not one time did Jesus answer her questions. He told her what she need to hear.
When she ask for the living water, He told her to go get her husband. She informed him that she had no husband. He revealed her life and life style.
She went to the well fallen and left healed. She ran to town and told the men about Jesus. Why didn't she tell the women?? Because the women probably wouldn't have listened to her. John 4:39 says, Many Samaritans in that city believed in Jesus because of the woman's word when she testified, "He told me everything I've ever done."
When we've been healed, we should tell the world. We were in sin, tried to stand on own, were lifted by the cross, and rose healed. We need to tell the world that we are no longer fallen or trying to stand on our own. We are standing by the power of Jesus and healed from our sinful nature. We have been forgiven by the blood of Jesus Christ.